In the past, conventional circuit design components have been a burden to acoustic musicians, incurring extra cost, requiring additional space, and decreasing reliability and tonal quality. Making a signal pass as simple as possible has not been a luxury, but a necessity. This knowledge is the driving force behind Mi-Si’s approach – minimalist design with maximum functionality. Musicians have known this all along, the fewer obstacles between your pickup and your amp, the better your sound.
After more than 25 years of designing and building preamps, Mi-Si’s team of engineers proudly introduces a truly significant and unique breakthrough: a high-performance, fully active preamp that does NOT NEED BATTERIES. No 9-Volt, no AA, no AAA, no lithium – NO BATTERIES at all. A special blend of new energy sources with very low-power components and our ability to design compact and efficient circuits make our battery-free products a reality.
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